
Speak To Us!

Got A Question For
Us? Go For It!

With different types of repairs to different devices, you may not find the exact repair you are looking for. Whether it is a cracked laptop screen, charging issues or even liquid damage, please send us an email using the form below and our engineers would love to get in touch.

Speak To Us!

Got A Question For
Us? Go For It!

With different types of repairs to different devices, you may not find the exact repair you are looking for. Whether it is a cracked laptop screen, charging issues or even liquid damage, please send us an email using the form below and our engineers would love to get in touch.

Send us your enquiries. Have a question? Need
some help? Our support awaits to hear from you.

Email Adcress:


London, UK

Send us your enquiries. Have a question? Need
some help? Our support awaits to hear from you.

Email Adcress:


London, UK